this is jane
and this is jack
and this is a sharp knife

see spot
see spot run
see spot crash tackled to the ground.

see jack holding the wiggling spot
see jane slit spots throat
see spot's blood all over the altar

see jack and jane fucking in the blood, screaming out the names of the devil.

see the flames lick higher, higher
see satan come forth
see jack and jane afraid
who forgot to paint the saftey pentagram around the altar?
silly jack
silly jane

see satan reach forth
see satan catch jack and jane in one hand each

see satan rip them apart and stalk off into the world

next week, tune in for the lady bird book of the apocalypse
wingedSerpent safety last!

(from_safety_to_where ?)
celestias shadow shouldn't satan stalk off into the netherworld? 031128
whitechocolatewalrus what's a pentagram? 031128
sabbie a) satan stalks the world constantly. if you are unsure, please consult your nearest christian television evangalist.

b) i shall not answer the pentagram question, you are on the internet, go find out for yourself. think of the fantastic feeling you'll get when you discover something new, all by yourself.

and before you ask, i chose to answer the first question as it was questioning my opinion on something, and i have many and varied opinions and am happy to share themn around to those that ask, and frequently those who don't. i choose not to answer the second question as this is simply a point of reference that can be easily found out by performing a search on your favourite search engine.

Whitechocolatewalrus Thanks for the advice, I do feel better now that I know pentagrams are not the same as pentagons, and that I figured it out for myself. I was becoming a tad bit too lazy, I think. 031129
marked . 031231
Alex Sometimes a pentagram appears on my bathroom mirror in goat's blood and asks for the aftershave. 040413
DemonicSpirit You don't slash throats that would be silly and unsocial, you can't live in a community if you are a blood thirsty demon stalking the street unless it's a metaphor...and someone might take you literally and you will get in trouble from all the old bitties(?) in town. They will say things like, "My sympathy to the parents."

Yes, demons roaming the street, don't be afraid now.
u24 (I think that moshing is a sign of what, er, Christians would call the apocalpyse.)

dance the apocalpyso!
what's it to you?
who go