The Truth

Why do you want to be bad?
Is it cool to you? Does it give you a sense of power?

Or are you like all the others? Those poor souls. they believe that being bad will earn them respect and benefits. That being good will cause them disadvantage and uncoolness.

But this is about LIFE! Your very life! YOU!

Life grows.

It can wither or thrive, based on how well YOU take care of it.

Take care of your life! Why won't you?

You know the principles, and you know what to avoid.

Do you fear change that much, too afraid to even try. You've got your image so finely tuned, so you don't have to communicate "stay back!" at all, now you're protected right? safe? Think again.

Well, if I didn't care about you, I would simply say "fine! rot away in your ruts. Think nothing of success, and of your potential."

But that is not the case. For reasons that cannot be explained, I do care about you, all of you, and that is why I use my time to expose you to a realm of light that you may not be aware of.

I don't want your money, or your...whatever...I want to help you see certain truths. I have learned these secrets (non secrets), and I can't just NOT share them, it's too big to just keep myself. There is no reason to reject it. Especially the "I don't believe it" bullsh. I guarantee, each and every one of you will come to a point in your life where you search within yourself for the answer to this question: "Is there a God?" You can't say that about anything else. You know its true.

There is more to me than what you'll ever see on blather. I can never show you everything that I am. My goals, my dreams, my family, my past, my mistakes, my desires, my aspirations to take over the world, I don't want to, and you wouldn't want me to. But I came here to be a positive force, the truth is a positive force, so I am The Truth.

on The Truth
what's it to you?
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