I've been pondering about culture lately. And this macroism that is our continent. I am not arguing against the welcoming of all races. I am trying to understand the melting pot. The beginning was separate cultures defined by geographic limitis. Wars and exploration invaded that secluded ideology. North America self professes that we are the free axis of all cultures. And by giving each and every person the freedom to live, we welcome all people to join. What my question is, have all the emergent cultures that have imigrated here, become that the culture the cherish become diluted in the mix? There is a clash, I believe, when you try to keep your culture, but move your beliefs into a multicultural society. In that your children learn and accept other cultures viewpoints. Maybe not totally accept, but adapt them into thier own growing personalities. The errant cultural beliefs bring sadness by letting the children get lost in these subcultures. The strong are faced with their old beliefs, and retreat to what they were taught by their elders, and most times, tyrannical elders (becuase that is how they were taught). Maybe that is why I embrace the intelligent young, for their questions, rebellion and exploration. This doesn't mean I have to have some sembelance of hope, it meraly means that my wisdom (and only my own self realized wisdon) is still progressing. In conclusion, I am scared to know that power and influence rests with the people that exhibit themselves everyday in your face, just to justify themselves for their own satisfaction. I realize I didn't make much sense tonight. But I've been bothered too much by this. .
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there is no beginning there was no time of separation of cultures there are no naive origins
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As Transportation Systems Evolved Plant Speicies and Many Other Unforseen Migrations took Place. Entire Ecologies Are Shifted. These Systems will Never Be the Same. But Things Will Strike A Balance, So Will Culture, But It Won't Be Our Grandparents World. The Future Belongs to the Still Unborn, We Must Be Prepared to Let The Status Quo Go.
what's it to you?