Ouroboros once upon a time...

once upon a time there was a girl who had everything she wanted. her mother and father loved her. her belly was full and her body was clothed. she had friends, toys, and books. And although she was so lucky, she did not know it. For over her eyes a cloud lived. It wasn't an ordinary cloud, shedding rain in the sky, but a cloud of low self-worth. This little girl thought she was fat! When she sat down to do her homework, she couldn't think of the answers because she was so busy feeling guilty about how much she had eaten at dinner. When she went to her piano lessons, she could only think about how much food she had eaten during the day. Instead of wearing the nice new clothes her parents bought her, she wore old sweatpants to hide herself in. Her whole life was focused on thinking about eating and not eating. Her grades went down. She couldn't even play three blind mice. Her friends stopped talking to her because she smelled so bad in her sweatpants. Her parents were crushed and spent hours in couples-therapy determining what they had done wrong, leaving the girl alone in their big house to count calories. Soon the girl stopped going to school. She stopped going to piano classes. She even stopped eating. Her muscles wasted away and she looked like a skeleton when she looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair fell out and she could count her ribs now instead of calories. At night she couldn't sleep and walked the corridors of her home, joints creaking instead of floor boards under her weightless steps. Soon she faded away, and all that was left was her soul stretched out into a colorless shimmering cloud. Her parents moved out and forgot about her. And now she haunts the house where she shed herself and became a ghost, creaking past the kitchen but never entering. Late at night, some say, you can hear her stomach growling.
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