jeffrey when one corspe is left for the nourishment of another
hardly preying on the open
on the free to one and all
one size fits all
if minds have like trigers so be it
the phenomenon of physche is that
one can be moved by another
if it pleases to be an island
I sail on
in response
I apologize
sorry for community
sorry for inspiration
sorry for paying attention
for paying compliment
for intake
and out take
as for my own words
they are out their for all
some times I choose to talk to the world instead of at the world
sometimes when the world monologues I dialogue
sometimes I offend myself
sometimes I realize how right you are
I did take words into a twist
but is it not nice
to know that there is always more to say
there is always someone who can go further than you did
if not i
then you
then them
and I hate them
I admire your calling my fopa
my blunder of blather
but more so I admire your fear to respnd in a new twist
if a game is to be made
it will start
if a new thought is to be found it must come from somewhere
your words did not come from you sad to say
everything you said has been said before felt before
how else did you know to say it
you can rearrange the food on your plate
but it still
remains on the plate put their by the cook
goes to the same place
and out the same way
as you had not arranged it
nothing comes of nothing
the crude of the crude
no those are not my words either
words are not mine in any realm
I have no claim to them
they pass before me
please me
and I spit them out
share them with a friend
if you lose your identity before you find
it blame someone else
blame me
and I will go down with the
ship I am the captain
and I gladly burn for you
your words are now rightfully returned
whatever that means to you
I hope
it suffices
what's it to you?
who go