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Dog will justify his hunting to himself..even if his belly is empty at the end of the day. Dog will smile at a steaming bowl of entrails. Dog masturbates to the cries of his victims. Dog licks the shit from his own ass.
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epitome of incomprehensibility
As to the second-last sentence, that sounds more like human than animal behaviour to me: do (literal) dogs "get off," sexually or otherwise, on cruelty to others? Are they even deliberately cruel in the first place? Changing gears a bit... dogs and people have spent tens of thousands of years together, and a scientist interviewed on the CBC radio show Quirks and Quarks (sorry I have no precise citation) thinks that's why we've grown to have somewhat similar diets. At the least, we can both eat a wide variety of stuff. And zeke, if your point is a literal one, what is it? Agriculture makes most hunting unnecessary, and dogs living as companion animals don't usually need to hunt. Humans are omnivores with an incredibly adaptable digestive system compared to that of most other animals. One dietary advantage people have over dogs is that we can survive happily without meat if we want to (socially, this is not always convenient). I don't think it's "immoral" to eat animals (that's where humans_are_animals is a possible defense) but it won't hurt to eat less meat - the way people do agriculture these days isn't helping the planet. Missing the point, you say? But missing the point is so much fun!
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(When I said pet dogs don't need to hunt, I was thinking rather narrowly - I mean in most urban/suburban environments, particularly North American ones)
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I think it means that: Dogs will hunt if they are neglected. Dear society, stop neglecting your dogs..regardless of species.
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Sensitive to stimulants, chocolate as well as caffeine. Sweet tooth can lead to dangerous overindulgence. Cats aren't particularly fond of sweet tastes. Cats are sneaky, dogs are straightforward. Cats are picky, dogs will eat anything: the usual clee-shays. (Byen wee, noo parlow fronsay.) Now I really can't tell whether I'm more cat or dog. I'm thinking dog, evolutionarily, but somewhat cat in personality. After all, http://blather.newdream.net/red/i/i_am_catwoman.html
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