silentbob the five and a half minute hallway

the longest unzipping of my life

fast, slow, fast fast, slow
misstree i think i may have heard of this... really really strange book, in format and all? 030805
delial Zampano was just a misunderstood genius. 030805
silentbob Yes.

ALso, you should check out the last Poe cd because she is Danielewski's sister, and sings about many of the things he talks about in the book
curious what's it about? 031011
pobodys nerfect *nudges curious* You can read a snippet
of the book here:

silentbob--you're evil. Your praise(and the snippet)have me wanting to read the book now! =P
ferret and all i want to do is scream FUCK as loud as fucking humanly possible 031011
silentbob i will buy it for my mother for christmas 031012
ferret wait, why did i blathe that here? oops, lol sorry guys, i was in a weird mood last night... 031012
silentbob little solace comes to those who grieve
when thoughts keep shifting
and this great blue world of ours
seems a house of leaves

moments before the wind.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl i just finished this book
i have problems distinguishing the fact from fiction.....
fucking awesome though, i must say. i need to buy a copy....any ideas where?
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl i just finished this book
i have problems distinguishing the fact from fiction.....
fucking awesome though, i must say. i need to buy a copy....any ideas where?
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl yay!
ordered a copy
collecting it on saturday..........
lacunas coil we lay on the concrete amid the thick stand of trees and looked up between the leaves at the grey sky in the early early morning winds 040713
highanddry i live at the end
of a five and a half
minute hallway
and as far as i can see
you are still miles from me
in your doorway
hose of leaves this is on the special display at Waterstones in Lancaster. 060802
what's it to you?
who go