wetdream why is lost so gay?????? 010919
wetdream GAY!!! GAY!!!!! GAY!!! 010919
w FAAAAAAAAAAAGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!#$@$#@^% 010919
wetdream FAAAAAAAAAAAGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!#$@$#@^% 010919
wetdream o yeh bobby buckner is a homo!!!!!! 010919
lost first off chris you spelled my name wrong and the people here at blather know me better than to call me gay they know that that is the one thing im not. 010919
wetdream fuck u a! 010919
Dafremen Well I don't know that yer not gay Harlan. I don't know that you ARE gay either for that matter. I think I know that you are 16(?) gunna be 17 soon and that you are certainly lost at times...like most Libras when we start shopping around for approval and validation. At times though, you seem well grounded..probably when you follow what your intuition tells you and not what your emotion tells you. I imagine that you are an extremely loving young man who wants very much to know that someone not only LOVES you...but trusts and believes in you too. I get the feeling that you'd feel like Suuperman if you had someone like that and you feel like an insecure, uncertain hunk of sh*t when you DON'T have that.

I imagine you have sexual fantasies often and prolly whack yerself silly.

Harlan, I get the feeling sometimes that no matter HOW you feel right now, you wish that you felt differently. As soon as you do, you wish you felt some other way.

No Harlan...I don't imagine that you are gay. If it turns out that you are:
try not to be a whore...k do0d?
32 shit 010925
lost wow!!!! daffy you seem to know alot about me. and no i am not gay. i would never engage in sexual contact with another male. and yes i am going to be 17 on thursday. 010925
wet dream you guys r gsy!........aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 010925
psychobabe awww, lost isnt gay he's just an awesome guy along with daffy. 011025
lost thanks psychobabe. and i really am not gay. not that theres anything wrong with that. i dont mind them until they hit on me. 011025
psychobabe lol yes yes i know lost its all good. I'd love to have a gay guy friend : ) i would be fun to talk with him about stuff but yes, lost isnt gay i'm pretty sure of it 011026
what's it to you?
who go