lost im sitting here. blathing this late. its been a while since i have blathed. I just got back from this girls house that i am dating. we rented a movie and watched it. then we layed in her bed and fell asleep in eachothers arms. i can see something possibly coming of this relationship. one small thing she is 19 and i am almost 17. i dont think my mom will like it much but i dont really care. and my mom is in the hospital right now she had her gullbladder removed. well i think its time for me to go i need sleep cuz i have to work tommorow.

lost (harlan roe)
florescent light It's 2:34 am
I should go to bed
I've had a long night
and I will have an even
loooonnnngggeeeerrr day tomorrow.
But I can't
because I need to stay up
in case, per chance, Cliff comes on line
even though he could call
he doesn't
he won't.
so I will wait for him
just a little more
while there's a smidget of hope
and I will regret it
later, I will say
'where was my self respect?'
and I will say, 'god, how stupid I was for letting myself be so preoccupied with him'
And I will say, 'I will never ever let someone do that to me again.'
But then the next time rolls around.
And I will find myself waiting up
at 2:34 am.
three words it's_just_that_song 234_am i_need_help 101225
what's it to you?
who go