notme nothing time for breakfast i should go cook something i'm hungry i spent the afternoon dreaming in bed with three of my cats i was dreaming something about something i feel like swimming it's still winter still winter my nephew wanted to talk to me on the phone he said hello talking so fast i didn't catch it all something about how something got broken and toast in the toaster toasting i miss him
mourninglight I've set my alarm clock for 8am every day this week, and have never gotten up before 9:30..always hitting the snooze button for an hour and eventually just turning it off. a heating pad keeps my feet warm..I don't think I turned it off before cats napped with me this morning..and one curled up next to my leg while I was trying to stretch the sleep out of my legs on the floor...

I dont' know why I have problems getting up when I have no where to be.
a year from now I'm going to be all stressed out about how I had all this TIME last year to write and now all I have time for is doing all the stupid counterpoint assignments for such and such professor at such and such institution..and I surely don't have a social life..

at least some things never change.
maybe I'll justify it by saying I needed the first two months of the *year* to be devoted to catching up on sleep and finding myself again.
not that it worked..
but I had toast for breakfast this morning..
what's it to you?
who go