-Start hanging out with someone. -Really begin to enjoy the company. -Loosen up a little bit and let the guard down. -Never hear from them again.
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do_you_wear_a_mask? it's_a_waste_of_time.
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Self hatred grows in me like cancer, I can't locate its whereabouts but it's feasting on its host. I expected him to have the answers. I thought I taught him how to love me; Now he fears me like a ghost. Self-fulfilling prophecy, You're the only guaranteed loyalty; In this town, Full of violent mothers, Cheating fathers, Leaving lovers. I swear to you, I'll never love again. This hunger grows inside me like a tumor, The dizziness just compliments This failure of a girl. I'm settled now, This show of mine consumes me, But every pound I shed Speaks volumes of my lack of self control. Self-fulfilling prophecy, You're the only one that dare speak the truth about me; In this town, with Well intentioned mothers, Starving daughters, Worried lovers. I swear to you, I'll never eat again. Self-fulfilling prophecy, You never fail to comfort me; In this town, filled with Violent mothers, Cheating fathers, Leaving lovers. Angry brothers, Starving daughters, Starving daughters, Worried lovers. I swear to you, I'll never trust again. ~maria mena: self-fulfilling prophecy in a more wounded time, i would have seen so much of myself in it...i just guess i can't stop the optimism. i still feel the demons, there on the edges, but until they triumph, i'll enjoy being happy. cautiously.
what's it to you?