paste! knee protector
chopping tool
sow's mate


it's getting boxy in this box. mark with spots. ghoulish temperment, that pabst truck driver.

jump around jump around jump up jump up and get down

so many things overpriced, so many things on sale, for instance:

my fingers - 2 for $.99
87:1 scale replica of the city of Gent, Belgium, tongue-crafted from Juicy Fruit, Eclipse and Chiclets brand gum - $6500 (definitely cheap)
a supermodel's dungpile - $749.95
light - $.24
bacon - $25.31/lb.
furious memorandums of nessie - 8 bucks each
assorted booster shots - 40 dollars per
the last gravelly sigh from a dying albatross, spray painted neon pink by some juvenile natives - 1/100 of a cent
latin chant to turn water to corn (lessons, cape included) - 2 million franc
strawberries - $.12/basket YUM!
sky wane retina towel damage - no clue, hows about 20 dollars?

i've known one wally in my life and he was a drug dealer. have you ever known a wally?

bleeding cactus, ancient wager.
final zinger, RNA tool.
happy cut arch into sad. delivery of conquers will be drippy and melodic like singing maple from maple-colored platinum-cast intoxi-catty robotic-organic stuff. "objection," calls a whisper. somewhere there's an objection. i think it has to do with the unjust label of it just as 'stuff' with descriptors.

it's a thunderbolt crossed with deadwood, lanny!! i swear on my mother's favorite chair! my grandmother's hair! the lair of my great-grandfather (had to hide, defended lion cubs from gigantic bears. the stares from the cubs as they grew were frightening, especially when a pair of them went straight for his jugular after a few months. then darkness. then escape.)!!!
three words extinct 'superman'_christopher_reeve_dies_at_52 nutrients_for_cedar_castles 050223
three words nutrients_for_cedar_castles
death_is_not_romantic shut_the_hell_up
what's it to you?
who go