sabbie maybe i come over to your house
crawl under the bed
and hide forever.
then the world wont be able to find me.

i wont cause any trouble.
you can leave plates of baked beans down occasionally.
and when you bend down
and peer into the darkness
all you'll see of me
is two big eyes
blinking in the light.
blue star can I be yours? 020730
freakizh i wish my monster was james_p_sullivan

he's so hot.
burden what if I wanted to see more than your eyes? would you come out?

and maybe we could eat the beans together. that would be nice.
Freak I have a monster under my bed. (stuffed animal)

On the nights Im afraid of sleep I get him out from under my bed and sit him on my pillow.

Lately Ive had to have him with me for fear of different kind of nightmares. Ones that might contain some kind of truth or possibility that is reality.
so fucking lost the monsters under the bed i can deal with.
the monsters in my head are harder to get away from.
neverender calls itself Obsession...

...i can feel it breathing under me...
the rise and fall of its chest
like waves rolling against my back
crashing and churning, then calm.
...i can hear it breathing under me...
heavy and labored, raspy, exasperated
it pendulums between rumble and roar
growling like the hunger pains of a starving stranger on the street.
...i can see it reach from under me...
its razor sharp claws slicing the air
creates shadow puppets on my wall
dancing with maddened desperation in the flickering light
blackened with desire for a new victim to wrench.
margaux number one childhood fear 030523
niska no, but there's a pirate in the hallway... 030523
what's it to you?
who go