DannyH Which is something I suppose. 030711
DannyH Some friends told me they loved it. 030711
DannyH Someone even told me it was one of the best books they'd ever read. 030711
DannyH But I didn't believe them. 030711
DannyH Some were more circumspect. They had valid criticisms. More than one expressed the opinion that the female characters were little more than ciphers. Almost everyone said it could have been longer. One friend, whose opinion I value the most began his comments with "I'm sorry" and it didn't get much better from there. 030711
DannyH Some people liked bits that other people hated. 030711
DannyH It's the most important thing I've ever done in my life. Finally something I committed myself too and tried my best at. Three years of anguish and frustration punctuated with occasional elation. Some moments of abject and inexplicable terror. 030711
DannyH And it's still not good enough. 030711
DannyH I feel exposed, ashamed. Maybe a little proud. I've been climbing for a lifetime and now here I am, at the foot of bigger, colder, more vertiginous montain. Looking up and shivering. 030711
DannyH Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't have it any other way. Just be careful what you wish for is all. 030711
marked . 041124
oldephebe Would you consider excerpting portions of it here on bl a th er? 041124
them we need an update. 041124
DannyH I'll think about it. Likely to be the only form in which it will get published. I can hardly bear to look at it now. 041125
them are you sure you should give up? 041125
DannyH No. I'm not sure at all. 041126
what's it to you?
who go