Kristopher Let me count the ways. . .

One: I have missed Blather.

What? You wanted more?
x i come to blather when i feel like shit

i come to blather when i feel like giving up

i come to blather when i feel like digging myself a grave

i come to blather when i feel like drinking myself unconscious

i come to blather when i feel like dying

hi, blather
ferret hi x! 030716
Deomis Blather was always a kind of therapy session for me. I'd come in, flop on the couch, and spill everything I wanted to say.
I think that the therapy sessions are over.
I think I am falling_out_of_love_with_blather

I get on the computer, and my fingers automatically type the URL for me. I go to the recent screen, and find that I can't type anything.
I look, and I look, and I look and look, but nothing is found that lights the flame in my mind. No words set my fingers running, pulling the thoughts from my brain. I sit there in front of a blue screen, wishing I had words.

I find it dreadfully amusing, that the time when I could use blather most, I find myself unable to use it. I find myself collapsing a liitle more every day. I don't read anymore, I can't draw anymore, I can't make rhymes anymore.
Everything is crumbling.
Where is my muse when I need it?

They've just been locked up,
and whatever is locking them up
is eating away at me.
I can't take this.

I don't want to leave my padded room,
my room with blue lights and walls.

This isn't goodbye.... is it?
skinny i don't know anything about you 050208
a thimble in time Deomis relax,
creativity comes in
In the interim,
chew gum,
watch a movie

When the poetry comes,
you won't be able to stop it
falling_alone deomis you_are_not_alone 050209
c a_true_blatherskite_never_leaves_forever 050209
suicidalchinadoll I know the feeling 050209
TK How simaler (although not the same) Deomis and I feel *Sighs and waves to all the other blather ppl* 050210
what's it to you?
who go