nemo billy_mckinney 041129
oh well 041129
fix 041129
unhinged i had just started working a shitty job i hated answering phones at a pizza shop for less than state minimum wage to pay my rent cause i had exhausted my savings drinking beer and hanging out with my friends cause the thought of working after six tiring years in college made me want to jump off a bridge; i was trying to get a better shitty job as a cashier at an art supply store but they wouldn't hire me. i kept seeing their ad in the want ads for the rest of the summer. they must have been picky. it was in one of those snobby neighborhoods. it took me an hour to get there on the bus anyways.

who would have thought i'd be doing exactly what i wanted right now. sure teaching five year olds how to play twinkle twinkle little star has its frustrations and downfalls, but it definitely has its warm fuzzy moments too. on sunday, my six year old ran into one of his friends waiting for his lesson and proceeded to teach them all the parts of his violin to get them interested because he thinks its the coolest thing in the world. mission accomplished.
unhinged i found another heroin_doll
and i was fighting tenaciously

to doubt

self and outer made


i am only more self_assured
i am
the only one
that can make me happy
lg i followed a dangerous path into a forest of thorns until i reached a beautiful garden maze... 110318
what's it to you?
who go