fyn gula There is language like a poppy's fragile paper petals.

when you speak it i can see cheeks blushing.

when it is heard i thank God for originality.
farmfish i need your thoughts because mine are dying. your words are breath to start the fire burning again. 011008
Aimee in a language I can hear. 011008
silentbob talk hard 011008
mightbebipolar because i need to test my hearing. okay, really i'm just lonely. and a little deaf. 011011
Toxic_Kisses what's on your mind babe? 011011
. . 041028
delial i find myself straining so hard to hear you now, that i think if you were to open your mouth, wherever you are, i'd still hear you, regardless of whether words escaped your lips or not. 041029
AeonFlummox i would give anything to have someone to speak with right now. i have no one in my life to speak with. this is so cold. it is so lonely.

speak to me... anyone.
god woof 050613
a chaotic gift to idealism if the one "God" were to speak to me, i would do all but listen.
what does this say of a mortal who names itself god?
you speak best when you speak yourself... "woof"
perhaps you are not god... perhaps you are simply dog???


go easy leonard. go easy man.
dont fall down private pyle. it would break my fucking heart!
well hell i like you. you can come over to my house and fuck my sister.
you will not laugh. you will not cry. you will learn by the numbers. i will teach you. now get up, get on your feet!
I'll bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddam common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you.
poo *snicker* 050616
what's it to you?
who go