Doar don't worry i'll be filling that crack in with some plaster next week. i'll set some signs.

Lemon_Soda How many people said that they couldn't tell if I was lost or just playin' around?

Never could I let it go...
Never could I ease my fingers...
Gripping the water as it fell on through.

Nobody knows what it felt like...nobody knows how far we'd fallen ...nobody knows how high we had to climb...

Don't let go...
I know it hurts...
Don't let go...
I can't stand to see you fall again.

Don't let go...
there is no top...
Don't let go...
because there is a bottom...
Don't let go...
I don't want to climb without you here with me.

The sharper the rocks, the deeper they cut, our hands are bleeding and we're in pain...

But I can still smile if you can,
but I need to see it reflected on your face so I know its there...
birdmad in this department, unlike love, i have almost no regrets whatsoever.

except maybe that i have tasted so many experiences that i am easily jaded.

still it's always been easier and mostly more fun when my heart was safely under lock and key

when there was no need to worry about being fed a load of honey-coated bullshit because desire was the only thing in play.
misstree my heart became quite the exclusive club
and my cunt followed soon after.

when did ecstatic release become so difficult?
what's it to you?
who go