Mahayana murderer of more than six hundred young girls

Erzebet Bathory |torture chambers | chamber within medieval castle | nocturnal creature

lady of legendary paleness, mad eyes, and hair the sumptuous color of ravens

sitting on her throne the countess watches the tortures and listens to the cries

old & horrible maids are wordless figures that bring in fire, knives, needles and irons, they torture girls, and later bury them

with their own iron and knives,, these two old women are themselves the instruments of a possession

I The Iron Maiden
II Death by Water
III The Lethal Cage
IV Classical Torture

real and unusual character
Mahayana without denying accusations, bathory declared that these acts were all within her rights as a noble woman of ancient lineage

to which Count Palatine replied:
"Countess, I condemn you to life imprisonment within your castle walls."

a notebook was found in the Countess's room, filled with names and descriptions of her 610 victims, in her handwriting

around her the prison grew. doors and windows of her room walled up, only a small opening was left in one of the walls to allow her to receive food and when everything was ready, four gallows were erected on the four corners of the castle to indicate that within those walls lived a creature condemned to death

in this way she lived for three years, almost wasting away with cold and hunger, she never showed the slightest sign of repentance she never understood why she has been condemned

On August 21, 1614, a contemporary historian wrote: "She died at dawn, abandoned by everyone."

its has been said that she is yet another proof that the absolute freedom of the human creature is horrible

[man sabbie ... ever since reading over your imaginary_dead_girls i couldnt get all the unspeakable horrible details i remembered from my uni's women studies and sexuality course ... that included countess bathory ...out of my head ... man i can only imagine your production]
god married to count chocula 020621
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