souless wanderer She_bleeds no more. The wounds are closed now, never to be reopened. She_wonders what she could have been thinking all those years, when knives were her escape from the pain of reality. She_promises to stop this time. To not go back to the worthless existance she had before. Her scars take to much explaining. They are now an embarassment to her. She_lies about how they got there, and no-one belives her, but they don't disagree. She_cries for no reason no longer. She_smiles for a reason again. She_lives at long last, in happiness. 041115
magicforest Happiness is never everlasting. But neither is grief.

loves her girl
sw It doesn't have to be everlasting. I'll take what I can get for now. Things are working out, finally. 041115
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl she bleeds red ink
it doesnt look real
its too bright, too shiny

it looks too cheerful
shr must remove this happiness
it has no place in depression

sitting in her bath of cheeriness
she wonders why she feels so tired
shiny red pretty
seems dangerous....
she cant remember why
a flash
oh yes
now she recalls.....
the razor blade bobs
she smiles
ironic how happiness can hurt so much.
falling_alone be nice to me
i gave blood today
pete one drop at a time, corrosively, onto my exposed soul 041117
She Enough pain, enough wounding.
It's over, the hurting is over.
I am perfect the way I am, and that doesn't mean I don't make mistakes.
It means that in my humanity, even my mistakes are perfect.
misstree and each drop is
an ember sent forth
to burn in her name.
*Amy* why would I change some things to be better? why would I want to be better? what for? 050821
what's it to you?
who go