auburn if you remember her star she once gave you. whose meaning never went away.
if you remember how you told her you'd never make her cry. and then you lied, and went away.
if you remember how you wrote words you didn't mean.
if you remember how the music was the love unspoken. and how your melody was so quick to fade.
if you remember how you touched her hand, her face, her fair. and then said you didn't really love her.
if you remember how she made you cry...and you made her cry...and you loved her...and she loved you...and now all the other you's don't seem to matter so much.

But she still all the other you's manage to keep hold of her mind, her memories, her heart...
looking west he misses your star, lost in the many moves of recent years. 071029
auburn So many yous. And the list keeps growing. 110629
lostgirl if it will ever get easier

at least the sun sets over a different landmark now.

the skies are shifting as the universe listens
what's it to you?
who go