

....... Just demonstrating a point.

This always what ignorant elitists (people who want to be a part of an exclusive group) have to say...


Take down your "only" sign people.
Alabama Man I heard that they were going to change the name of Alabama to "Ignorance" since the two names are synonamous. 010810
sykoze fuck you 010902
Cream of the Crop Those who hate the elitists only do because they are not asked into the group. Jealously is the reason, on one wants you! 020327
silentbob they don't get asked in, because they don't really feel there IS a group to ask them into. People usually just talk to other people, not the group as some exclusive club. I was never asked into any club. But i feel just as part of any blather_community as anyone. we are ALL part of it cuz we're all HERE. anyone who doesn't READ blather or WRITE on blather isnt PART Of it. Get it? 020328
Photophobe Its not the no homer club, its the no homerS club! 020328
User24 : - | agrees with silentbob, but I feel you should have asked permission before posting that. 030612
? where's the

intellectual_elitists_only club?
gadfly excuse me but if there were not ignorant stupid shits in this world then people would not feel the need to organize into "_____ only" clubs. think about it. you might be more the problem than you are the solution, in which case you ought to stop pointing fingers and start examining yourself. in fact, that's a good idea for just about everything: start examining yourself. ask what YOU are doing that might make _________ (whatever you hate) seem desirable to others. 031118
misstree okay, i'm here, where's the coffee and booze and cigs? you don't have any? losers! i'm audi. 031118
Doar ok....i've examined myself....two skull fractures, nineteen unexplained protuberances, five rather malavolent growths and 2 shadows on my cat scans (hehe)

now what?

and i'm already a member of an enlightist_puritan_only club. and you can't join.
Uchi-Bunuchi No matter how hard anyonens tries no one esle can join trhe elite club that is you! 060130
silentbob come to think of it.

and elitest is someone who is in the know
while an ignorant person is someone who doesn't know


an ignorant elitest is an oxymoron
what's it to you?
who go