black-dyed gel product Guess where I just got back from? The secret free Weezer show at Irving Plaza in NYC! I got the tickets by pure chance. i called up my local rock station a bunch of times and eventually got through. After naming 20 Weezer songs, they finally got me two tickets to the show. For those of you who are clueless as to what went down, Weezer went on MTV today to premiere the Island in the Sun video, and they said on the website that they were going to make a special announcement. On the useless TRL, they revealed that they were playing a free show at Irving Plaza, and then that waste of life Carson handed out tickets to a bunch of N'sync fans. Luckily, my local rock station also had some free tickets, well not really tickets, you called in and if you got through they put you on a list of people who can get in when they show ID at the door. So I went to see WEEZER with my friend Greg for FREE. Fucking grerat show too; I was right up front in the pit, right in front of Mikey Welsh. He kept giving me weird looks, both because of the hair and because I knew the words to every song, including the ones they just wrote on the tour such as "High Up Above," "Zep Song," and "December." The only downside was that they didn't play ANYTHING off of Pinkerton. By the way, Rivers is really really short. I'm gonna keep checking the Weezer website to see if I'm in the crowd pictures. HAHAHAHAHA!! I got to see Weezer, and you all missed out!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAaa...

:::collapses from gloating too hard:::
nocturnal I hate you. 010724
Gollum silly silly hobbits, didn't see Tool. Did they my precious? No they did not. 010724
Gollum Weezer has a pit? No, precious. Silly hobbits do not know what a pit is. 010724
black-dyed gel product For the record, it wasn't a true pit. Since the average Weezer fan doesn't go to a lot of shows, very few people knew what they were doing. No cool circle pits, which I think is the most fun. There was just a lot of jumping and stuff in a heavily compressed crowd. Still fun, but I did get elbowed in the neck a few times. 010724
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