f Well to be honest I'm not exactly sure how anyone proves what psychotic is or is not but it's really quite frightening when you start to think that the way in which you are thinking or reacting is not at all corresponding to what is supposedly called "real" in other peoples general experience.

The reason why it is frightening is because the more separate you become from other peoples lives you become more distant and more lonely, often creating a more extreme experience of some different dimension of existence.

I was just going through some crazy shit i wrote years ago, as worrying and disturbing as it is, i can see that almost none of it makes any sense, by realizing the distance and disturbance of it i can claim not to be quite as far gone as i was back then! In that sense at least be thankful for writing all that shit, if it ever had any value it is for now, for means of claiming more clarity and sanity than the shit i went through back then.

If you ever find yourself going "mad" be sure to write your ideas or thoughts down, that way you can diagnose your own sanity later on in life by comparing the deeper hole you have been in in the past. I don't think any kind of doctor can diagnose your sanity apart from yourself, what ever sanity may be.

i still can't work out what makes me want to write on a website forum that i thought this time last year was anonymous!
p.s. but i am still certain i am psychotic just maybe not in the same way as before. 080104
what's it to you?
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