Q is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult to have.

Whether easy or difficult depends on participants' moods, desires, and surrounding circumstances, over which they often have little or no control.

To fill in specifics, you can use your experiences, and better, starting with them, your imaginations.

Always though, when sex turns out to be great, it is intensely sensual, deeply communicative, with each participant using every sense to give and allowing every sense to receive profound pleasure with deep intensity.

It is hard to forget, deeply desired again, and again, and ...
trois_mots . 080323
stork daddy and it's hard to lose the person you had it with! 080323
unhinged is quite a rarity for me
the first time
not really being conducive
to great times thereafter

so i've been upholding a vow; it seems strange, medieval. but i have a feeling it will make the next time a great time. (if only for lack of?)

also stopped drinking the whiskey for the same reason. too much alcohol good sex never made. and a lack of whiskey helps me stick to my convictions. so maybe i can get back some of what was taken from me, unasked. like love and want and respect. but i guess that means i'm gonna be celibate for awhile.

maybe a good roll in the hay would make this cold go away.
unhinged now i know why my sister married a younger man the second time around 180524
unhinged fades quickly without a relationship to support it; is it worth it? doesn't feel like it. 180527
what's it to you?
who go