birdmad cross the street to the south side of Camelback from the smoke shop and head west from gbs_0001

The fenced off remains of an old car wash are here. Across to the east is one of the many Mexican fast food restaurants i refer to simply as "a burrito joint" as the numerous versions of fairly large and fairly cheap (but otherwise exceptionally tasty) burritos are the big sellers here.

burritos aside, continue west, a couple of fast food restaurants, a couple of apartment complexes and then a small shiopping center with another bar, a furniture and applience rental shop a "dollar store" a grocery store and a dry cleaner. This is one of the three places where i regularly buy food (and hell knows i buy a lot of food)

at the wrong time of evening, a toothless old hag may try to proposition you. your best answer, unless you are into that sort of thing is to say:
" not_just_no_but_hell_no "

also, you run a semi-regular risk of being panhandled by a variety of folks who frequent the area a little too regularly to be anything but barflies scrounging for their next round of drinks, like last Saturday morning's dumbass who tied up the one open checkout line at the grocer's arguing with the checkout clerk while trying to buy one (ONE!) lemon with only his store discount card and no money to speak of.

presently the center of Camelback road, the street on which you are heading west, is in the midst of the construction of a light rail line.

at the spot where the worst of the construction picks up, there is a small cluter of shops, (cont'd)
birdmad ...there is a small CLUSTER of shops in a little corner pocket, there is a nice cheap Chinese restaurant (ranging from decent to pretty good, nothing earth-shatteringly great there, though i'm not fond of the heat level of the curry chicken, as i don't enjoy having a "ring of fire" episode the next day.) there is also an Asian market where i occasionally like to pick up some ingredients, and a small Vietnamese restaurant notorious for having some really good Pho

returning to the south side of the street, since the north side beyond the restaurant is still a bit chewed up and lacking for sidewalks as you head west, continue west to the bend in the tracks.

Go north a little to gbs_0003
Go a little further north to gbs_0004
go directly south to gbs_0005
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