amy nada
to a dark place: the sun and its derivatives do this. maybe jesus. one's inner light may or may not be absorbed by others. i would say, don't force things, when they have their own natural course. i do my best to accept others and not admonish them... and i admit i don't always do a good job. (because: there are always unripe aspects and it is the job of the riper to encourage the unripe to ripen... one could use almost any verb here. my false perspective and arrogance can naturally get in the way, but hey, here's hoping i'm getting better at it). the baby boomers try to bring in a lot of light. some bring it successfully to me (afterall, i'm younger) and some are bringing a lot of euphemisms and beginning-feelgood-the-end solutions. even when i personally access light, as in akasha, it winds up being euphemistic and i have to learn to read it correctly for the hoary lesson that i'd so far failed to grasp... mostly the topic will be relationships and where so-and-so is on a soul level comparably, and how much person x or person y truly has to give (because I am also quite demanding of the reasons why life just sort of fizzled for me) i apologize this isn't a very poetic post, and it's kind of rambling and incomprehensible. the sun *is* warm lately and the light is in my heart. what is there to say, really? april is the cruelest month?
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tonglen powha turning the light on and leaving it on for all to see a beacon a breathe a hope a hug smile_at_strangers
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'be the light' but_even the light needs fuel to keep burning
what's it to you?