shiva i just wrote all this shit, and blather said, "what kind of word is that?" and i couldn't get it back again.

i could just kick it...

bad blather. bad.
SmartGuy well let's just say you could have went back, better yet Hold and press Alt+=...i mean duh anyone knows how to use back. * i swear man there are some dumbass blomdes using this 011016
MollyCule dumbass blomdes? Good way to prove your own intelligence, "smart guy." 011016
niki blomdes? 011016
ClairE Funny how you try to press back, and your entire blathe is gone.

It's called frustration, something often encounted on blather.
shiva yeah dude. i pushed back and forward like 524324 times. it was gone forever. 011203
ClairE ::sadness::

See frustration.
DannyH and its shitting out love. 011203
flo and lighting up another malboro and laughing at all you little chickens. 011209
ClairE I already say too much. It's like, fucking exponential, dude. 020107
lock me up which we all love to fondle in our private time. mmm. 021007
squint and everything else on blather are assholes as well. 021007
gay gizmo someones feeling down. lets all give a big group hug 021008
just a sphincter not telling which one because of blathes like this. 021008
minnesota_chris the whole internet is an asshole. AIM just wants to shout at you, and then say it's away. Web pages just come up with new ways to get your credit card number. The media is just infotainment. Kazaa steals. 021008
SuicidalAngel Hey Mn Chris - Where in Mn are you? 021008
minnesota_chris see where_are_you 021008
SuicidalAngel I'm in Duluth 021008
SuicidalAngel sorry I got it! 021008
User24 chris: good point. 030331
minnesota_chris yay! I have a good point. The internet has affirmed me today! 030331
meta meta 060105
unhinged stupid captchas
stupid spammers
what's it to you?
who go