Barrett Everyone else has one so I figured what the hell. 000925
The Schleiffen Man did you know that sean connery set a new Jeopardy record with negative two hundred and thirty thousand dollars? 000925
Barrett No I did not. But now I understand the Saturday night live sketch were they portrayed him as a complete idiot.
Jeopardy Rocks.
silentbob We brought you the ciggarrettes..but we really think that you shouldnt be smoking. each year millions of americans die from smoke or smoke related products so please, can i borrow 5 bucks? 000925
Barrett First off, how do you know I smoke?
Secondly, I will ask you what I ask of all who ask for money.
1.Are you going to buy food?
2.Are you going to buy alcohol?

If you're answer is #2, here's Ten bucks my down trodden friend.
moonshine Are artichoke hearts really aphrodisiacal? 000926
Barrett As a matter of fact, when prepared with extravirgin olive oil and fresh garlic cloves, artichoke hearts can really get one in the mood.
Especially when severed with two bottles of Piesporter.
Personaly, I find eating the leaves with garlic butter to be quite seductive.
j_blue i just dig them steamed, besides who needs substance to want sex? i want it 24/7, despite all efforts to the contrary. 000927
Barrett That's how I feel, but you have to play the game. And besides sometimes it's pretty fun. 000928
j_blue dear barrett,
posers arent too uncool, are they?
Barrett j_blue,

If they are posing nude, their probably pretty cool.

If they are projecting a false image of their innerselves, that's not cool.
They will end up losing what identity they did have.
moonshine Truth or dare? 000928
Barrett Dare, baby, Dare. 000928
Barrett How did you become so cool? 001019
Barrett Oh, Stop it. Please. You're too kind. 001019
Bear, are you here?
what's it to you?
who go