anonymously blathering because s/he might find me
if s/he reads blather, but i don't know if he does
and i can't ask
remain gender-neutral for anonymity
and i can't rant and rave about things
it's scary, paranoia
. rule number one: do not share blather with those you love 041001
yawn yawn 041001
Syrope that should be a disclaimer on the front page.

there are ways to hide yourself though. i always think i might know who someone is after i see 3 or 4 posts that sound REALLY familiar or just like something someone i know is going through, but then i check their blathe page and they've blathed on something location-specific or something like that that means they COULDN'T be who i thought they were...tricky :)
magicforest it's funny because blather is the thing you want to share with the person you love

but don't do it
don't do it
don't do it
Syrope s'too late.

my boyfriend doesn't even have to talk to me. just reads blather, tucks info away, and gets to appear all wise and sensitive later. :)
god some of us are already fucked. 041002
somniac but theres that part of you that wants to be found out 041002
god sure. makes it more exciting somehow. plus that with a generous dose of "i really don't care anymore", and the streets will flow with pepsi. 041002
cpgurrl is back she was suffering an identity cris we could all know each other,
and not know it!

share our innermost
that we have never said.

isn't that neat!

never be afraid to blather.
pete i slipped into a nother name for a little while when i felt that someone had tarnished my own 041002
meta meta 051215
what's it to you?
who go