WILL: Jack, what's going on? Why'd you run out in
the middle of your lap dance? Does your ass have
attention deficit disorder, too?

JACK: Will, something really bad happened. I got,
uh... I got... [WHISPERING] excited.

WILL: You mean, excited like "I want to wear what
she's wearing" excited?

JACK: No! Excited the way the 3 of the 4 Baldwins
and one of the 2 Quaids get me excited.

WILL: Oh, my God. It's finally happened. You've
gotten so gay, you've looped around to straight
silentbob HAHAHAHAHAHAH 000917
firefly the best show ever!! and megan mullally is the best actress!
"You're sleeping on a $5,000 mattress with $5,000 sheets, in the indentation of a 5,000-pound man."
sweetheart of the song tra bong I love this show, but this season disappointed me slightly.
It's all okay though. Right?
The first gay person I ever knew / best friend / object of hopeless teenage crush turned me on to this show. He thought it might help rip me out of my "being gay is a sin" phase. We'd long-distance call each other and watch the show together every week. Mostly I just fell harder for him.
I was fourteen. What can I say?

GRACE: Jack, move your bunny slippers. I'm trying to work on my presentation.

JACK: Not really my problem. I'm trying to take care of my needs here, all right? Just a little something I learned in gay group therapy.

GRACE: Jack, inviting three hot guys over to your apartment for a "four-gy" does not qualify as group therapy.
what's it to you?
who go