epitome of incomprehensibility violet glaze babies 221107
raze self_portrait_with_eyes_closed. therein_lies_my_worth, mishka. 221108
raze he_says_he_has_a_big_boat. she? "new_word_week." 221110
e_o_i unplanned_living: the_melody_of_moonrise, sooner 221112
e_o_i a_bit_part: little_bug, sky_in_the_briefcase 221119
e_o_i Do_what_you_want, ambulatory girl_scout_cookies. 221231
e_o_i you_worry_me, wrongheaded morbid_high_school_projects 230212
flux three_words but rearranged 230213
raze mediocre_samaritan learned mercy. 230515
raze facetious, meaningless shrine. 230629
e_o_i Reading_now_in_French: pissed_off Jodorowsky 230630
raze bright_eyes_makes_it_better; camouflage unfriended. 230712
raze breakfast_at_tiffany's to_the_beat_of_the_strokes (no_reason). 230715
raze synchronized vacuum_cleaner? absolutely. 230801
raze nighttime_beach_blathing, resting foot_cramp.

(a logical sequence of events)
raze dust_devil taste_test (as_black_as_your_eyes_are_wide) 230809
raze your_fierce_art drought; make_something_good. 230811
raze humanizing theories_of_relativities perish. 230820
raze dressed like_a_virgin (never_too_late). 230829
raze address in_every_breath music_you_should_hear. 230902
raze pitiless tinsel leavings

(when tinsel voids its bowels, shit gets serious)
raze blood_in_the_snow (not_growing_a_garden grumpy_bear) 230908
raze rivers, sunburn, the_hard_core_of_everywhere. 230911
e_o_i an alliterative

the_calendar_is_wrong comfort_cocoon club
raze korey, this_7_year_old_boy: "i_grew_up_here." 230921
raze old_memories: whiteness as_black_as_your_eyes_are_wide. 230922
raze i_married_adventure, and_her_delicacy_offended negative_creep. 231002
raze crafty raven_and_soul_on_ice beer

(they don't serve that around here)
raze holiday_regularity: 1984 moment 231008
raze ranier_maria_rilke: "the_phoenix, the_cat"

(a forgotten poem)
raze carry_your_weight; lead by_heart. 231013
raze feminine green_crack? maybe_she's_right. 231018
raze look_at_you_now, exaggerated oblate. 231026
raze holiday_regularity speed_reading; catching_the_moment. 231115
raze explain time's_trial, woman. 231116
raze dice_nostalgia torture interruption 231118
raze this_is situational, fragmentary. 231129
raze i_could_use_a_bearhug vis_a_vis fear___pondering_others 231202
raze lights_out (louder lightbulb) 231206
raze doing_it_all_for_my_baby, earned clockwise. 231210
raze immovable autostop moose_tracks. 231225
raze speak_more_that_i_may_record_you. mean_spirited? o_ho_ho! 240101
raze where's gallimaufry? drunk_as_fuck. 240102
raze dublin prairie prime_minister 240103
e_o_i dream_object 240109
e_o_i how

durn ellipses
raze (that seems to be one of those odd blather_quirks, similar to the compound word thing. my way of getting around it is either to leave a space ... on either side of the ellipses, or to really . . . space them out. i saw bijou do that once and really liked the way it looked. the only trouble is, depending on where they land in a sentence, the double-spaced dots might not always all end up on the same line the way they're meant to.) 240109
raze grains hook megan. 240111
raze you_make_me_tremble, lion_at_the_rail_station. and_so_it_goes. 240116
raze fragmentary strength_personified? i_thought_so. 240130
raze something_you_should_know: he's_magic. please_remember_to_forget_me. 240211
raze cromatic_dynamism accommodations (waiting_for_the_light_to_change) 240214
raze prelude: anticipation_curdled. easier_to_stay. 240216
raze familiar bilingual experimentalism. 240219
raze mythologies effect [the] butterfly_on_my_nose. 240221
raze blind_spot_between_the_years, sometimes vibrating. 240223
raze twexus resisters when_your_car_crash_happens. 240318
raze joe_pera leaks drywall.

(i had that problem once)
raze decade called; listened. 240419
raze might the_idler_wheel vomit? 240422
raze criticism ... apples ... what_a_vacation! 240424
raze my_senior_year: a_compliment_to_the_ear. it_goes_on. 240513
raze shame hearts_and_brains; frame_them_with_our_hands. 240530
raze everyone_needs_everyone. ethical cheeks_were_alone_unknown. 240604
raze dancing_in_the_kitchen hurricance (this_blows) 240615
raze caught ballet being_honest. 240620
raze small_blue_thing from_our_garden (everything_old_is_new_again) 240623
raze sidewalk_notes: the_words i_blather_drunk. 240629
raze traceable passive apparatus 240704
raze large old_man riding_a_bicycle_down_the_stairs 240707
raze songs_for_late_summer: "bisexual, i'm_only_stressing"

(i don't remember that one from david_bowie)
raze saturday_october_any neighbour needed 240720
e_o_i Jim, protesting lesbiandom (what's he got against lesbians?) 240722
raze current_favourite_song: "dallas photons" 240727
raze evil enigma walking_backwards_in_the_winter 240802
e_o_i flip_the_switch, effluvial shoelaces 240803
raze beardsley_inspired summer_camp; the_spark_at_the_start. 240804
raze not_yet, intertwining badger. 240807
e_o_i So_you_want_to_spin_the_world_around? Pinocchio_for_president, monster. 240807
raze living_in_the_past; engineering good_news. 240809
raze he_had_been_dreaming_about_her tracing_paper journals. 240818
raze bees calm the_departed_and_infernal_affairs. 240820
e_o_i marginal us, as_lonely_as_any_of_us 240821
raze outstretched entranceway on_programming 240822
raze spell "like_mother_like_daughter" in_the_cold_silence. 240829
raze coconut architecture photo_album 240905
raze roman euphemisms in_the_early_hour 240912
raze t_rex_says, "whale unsatisfied." 240916
raze curry reeling kits

(tools for a different kind of fishing)
raze believe carly muriel. 240926
e_o_i fragmentary, reticent generator 240928
raze cooler, scareder lasagne. 240930
raze wild_party; steep architecture. 241002
raze what_is classic_mon? complexify. 241013
e_o_i endless libraries: therein_lies_my_worth 241017
raze i_heard_the_mouse_trap_snap our_hearts falsetto 241026
raze flashlight inference; never_the_same. 241105
raze jerky_moments_believing sugar_burn, in_which_i_forget_that_muscles_exist. 241107
raze reporter roadkill? yucky. 241114
raze so_this_is silently dad_again. 241118
raze sick hypochondria accommodations 241122
raze painted_life: addictive blather_quirks 241129
raze make_your_own_tongue_twister tulip (the_stupid_shit_i_wish_i_remember) 241130
raze what_normal_people_talk_about: that_aged_rock_star snowfall. 241202
raze main_and_hastings doctor poses 241207
raze uncountable cashew_juice pride 241212
raze you_find_yourself navigating woe. 241213
raze son_of_god recording your_smiling_eyes

(jesus always was a filmmaker in disguise)
raze what_made_you_today? the_cabin reservoir. 241228
raze foolish time; there's_a_whole_world_outside. 241231
raze emotional_affair killing real_coffee 250109
raze kit gets bleary_eyed 250115
raze pain_is_simply_this: reggae_music, sleep_paralysis. 250207
what's it to you?
who go