raze who knows? we're not normal. so let's talk about all the things we'd do if we were seventeen feet tall and capable of wingless flight. would we be jet-propelled, or would there be more mysterious forces at work? 130630
e_o_i Not quite. We'd have roll-up-able wings in our arms, like those old-fashioned screens and blinds that you'd, rather paradoxically, have to tug down in order to get them to roll up - they frustrated me as a child, I admit - except these wings roll up quite easily if you press the button on the tip of your nose. That is why people wouldn't kiss while flying - too dangerous. As well, we would also be propelled by farts from the bottom of our feet, and since these would be smelly we would seek a solitary existence out of a) the desire to avoid other smelly people or b) the shame of being smelly ourselves. And that would be sad, which is why I'd rather evolve into a fish. 130630
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