User24 hahaa!

I laugh in the face of french spelling, grammar and indeed sense!
User24 eh, what? why didn't that work! 031029
-aise? 031029
u24 now that's just weird. 031029
endless desire je suis bleu.
my favourite thing to say in french.
Doar je nais sa pas 031029
Mokita Pourquoi pas ? 040304
oldephebe Disparaissent la prise une merde dans votrie chapeau! 040304
oldephebe is what i'd like to say with the attendant flinging saliva to some of the arrogant and or supercilious american francophiles i encountered in college and afterwards...i'm like what's the deal..is that what you aspire to?..if you went to live there you'd be the object of derision..they hate us!..you'd be thumbing feverishly through your dictionary or palm pilots trying to keep up with the blistering trail of contemptuous profanities and disparagements..as the french who excel at contempt..directed your way...hmmm..should have just put all of this in french... 040304
jane i don't know...i kind of like vous_et_nul_autre 040304
oldephebe est ce que je voudrais dire avec la salive de vol à une partie de
l'arrogant et ou les francophiles américains dédaigneux j'ont
rencontré dans l'université... que je suis comme ce qui est le
deal..is que ce que vous aspirez to?..if vous êtes allé vivre là
vous seriez l'objet de la haine us!..you'd de derision..they maniiez
maladroitement fiévreusement par votre dictionnaire ou des pilotes de
paume essayant de suivre la traînée de formation de soufflures des
blasphèmes méprisants et de disparagements..as les Français qui
excellent à contempt..directed votre manière... hmmm..should ont
juste mis toute la ceci en français...
pipey and here i was feeling vaguely proud that i knew what this blathe title meant
jane et ainsi vous... 040305
oE and thus you are...? 040305
oE what's the deal with aaalllll THAT?

*apends sienfelds comedic gestures*

OK so it's not funny....i'm a little askew this evening...
jane i thought it was
and so you did

damn translator
oE i think probably some idiomatic or colloquial disconnect or gap here that a true francophile or francophone would pick up...i can barely remember the stuff i learned in highschool and college...

*shrugs enigmatically, you know the whole impassive face and adenoidal emoting..not in like an inflamed pharyngeal tonsil kind of way..but in that barely sheathed contempt for anything that happens to fall whithin the irascible and arrogant fracophones line of sight...*
andru235 a mon gran regret, je ne parle pas francais.

i'm not even sure if that's correct anymore. it correct back in 5562 b.c., but no one was speaking french back then, and i ended up looking like a total moron anyway.
epitome of incomprehensibility Vous etes des americains--j'ai rien contre les americains, mais je vit en Montreal et alors je sais parler francais! Vive la Quebec!

(I'm not very good with the spelling, though)
e_o_i Pas vraiment vraiment bilingue, hein? 060519
e_o_i will shut up now sigh... endless corrections... the people who have written on this page are NOT all Americans. 060519
anne-girl je ne parle pas francais 060520
e_o_i says hi to anne-girl Ouai, tu parles francais! Tu habite la belle province alors tu parles AUTOMATIQUEMENT le francais!
(I insist)
anne-girl non! je ne parle pas le francais du tout! Je ne sais aucun mot de cette langue!

(qu'est-ce que c'est cette "belle province" de quelle tu parles? Je suis, euh, americain... )

is most definitely an anglo
er.......... je ne c'est un de l'brinboins 060901
Brinborions? No? Not one of the Brinboins? 060901
what's it to you?
who go