IKC 56-80 all tied and tangled in self doubt. most of the words that come out of my mouth are trivial,
pure small_talk

nervous as the proverbial long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs

oi oi oi
eep eep eep

almost sang one of the songs everyone euggested (i won't say which) but could never quite manage to find the right moment just yet

i wouldn't even be thinking along these lines if she hadn't expressed some doubts about the guy she's with

been drifting through the days of late feeling like a ghost -

- as insubstantial as the air
megan i feel like that sometimes.
really depressed and irritable, and not really amounting to anything worth talking to or noticing.
it scares me, i don't want to feel this way.
and i want to be around people when i'm not, and i want to be alone when i am with.
and i feel like i am hurting everybody else when i get this way, because i'm quiet and on the verge of tears.
please understand.
TK hello 040818
grendel i am little more than smoke, loose dirt, and a prayer_for_rain 041207
anne-girl Me? Matter? You must be kidding me. I am ethereal... if you allowed me to be important and exist, that would mean I could hurt people

Agree! I am smoke, not staring at you. I am Observer, I do not Exist. Leave me Alone, a voice which whispers occasionally
and always watches
monee there must be something for there to be a lack of something 041207
In_Bloom Empty human shaped object 081101
what's it to you?
who go