no-flower girl Seeing you didn't make me feel any better. It didn't bring the sense of peace or closure I'd hoped for. I shoveled a few bits off of my chest, the relief of which was minuscule compared with the pain of seeing you. I thought I'd healed, but I'd really only been stashing hurt away in my heart the same way I cleaned my room when I was 8--shove it under the bed. If you can't see the clutter, it counts as clean. Nice try.

I don't want to hear about the blind date you're having this Saturday. Or how the great the paint I helped you pick out looks on the bedroom walls (which I'll never see again.) I don't care about your apology for being a jerk when we broke up. I can forgive you for that. I can't forgive you for not falling in love with me.
suicidalchinadoll coffe with an ex, really
seeing you was a breath of fresh air
I've missed seeing people I can talk to..really speak to
and I'm proud to say that 10 months later, I can speak to you, and think about you, and about us, without feeling physical pain.

if nothing else, that misguided fling of last month aided in this new development.
suicidalchinadoll *chuckles to herself*
really really!
stop saying really
what's it to you?
who go