girl_jane It's strange-odd...yet I find it rather amusing. 031013
falling_alone i'm in love with a dark fictional prof...note fictional is the key-word 031014
idiocy personified yes, totally.
gotta love the grey-haired math obsession
unhinged marked

have much to say on this topic at a more opportune time

oh lord do i have a crush on my bad he has caught me staring for the past two weeks and i don't even care.
Lila Pause Psychology professors are the most fun. You can flirt with them and if they squirm, you can say that you're just engaging in some real-world application of the projection theory. 041004
fa my theology teacher from last year. i constructed a shrine for him in my bedroom and my sister says she hears me chanting his name at night. 041020
Professor Plum Yeh - bring it on. Come to Daddy. 041021
Lila Pause I hate school boys, I hate college boys- I hate them all! fact, it seems I don't start to warm up towards men at all until they're thirty-five or older. In particular I love thirty-five year old english literature professors. A classmate noted the other day that our lecturer reminds her of Hugh_Grant. She said it without sentiment in a neutral, or at worst, slightly derrogatory fashion, but when she said it I just smiled warmly to myself in the most sickening way and my heart exalted, yes!...he does!!! - in the most wonderful way... 050318
no reason i had a crush on my TA, that was fun. then i didn't, and that was fun too.

& of course professor snape.
. guilty as charged 051213
. the head of the english department is fuckin' hot 051216
what's it to you?
who go