Q All this writing of control and relationships, maybe all of blather, lead me in a spare moment today to visit a nearby park, sit in the gazebo, sip my latte, and muse about love and power.

In human relationships, love and power, or their antitheses, are inherently involved. They cannot be avoided.

Each by itself is terribly complex and ultimately indefinable. What they are involves mostly human concepts and perceptions, which change with time. Their interactions are even more complex and fluid.

It seems that about all we can know about love and power is what we feel, and what we understand about the feelings of others, about them.

Is it not the case, then, that each of us needs to learn what s/he feels about them and needs to learn how to decribe what s/he feels about them to others, especially those s/he would be "in love" with?

If this be the case, the learning we need to do probably requires the help of others. The learning to describe - to teach, a powerful thing - must in almost every case require help from the person who is the "object" - a term laden with connotations of power - of one's desire.

Is it not "communication" to learn what we feel about love and power, describe to - teach - others what we feel about these things, and learn from - be taught by - others what they feel about them? This learning and teaching can be implicit or explicit and by word or deed.

Are not the best of relationships those in which the unavoidable love and power, as understood by the participants, are continuously, through communication, in synchrony and symbiosis?

It was a nice visit to the park. I wish you could have been there. Then perhaps I could have learned some more.

C 2000
amy why are you bearing down so hard on confusion? there's nothing to understand here. respect or express. that's it, as far as i'm concerned. 000824
grendel angst is our muse

and she whips us well

as it was in the beginning
is now

what's it to you?
who go