ClairE Touch_me_there. 020109
Arwyn loving me. I know you won't, but I just thought I'd ask. Don't stop missing me, cause that's just one step away from the end of you loving me. 020109
girl_jane Just keep walking. Don't run. Just calmly walk away-don't stop to think about what just happened. Just keep walking. 020310
god let this burble pass... 020405
unhinged howard stern is an evil evil man. he had two lesbian sisters making out on his t.v. show last night and i swear to god it was really the most homoerotic thing i've seen on t.v. in quite awhile and it took me awhile to fall sleep last night. uuuuuhhhh...*sigh* 020405
god hey... 020405
cheer-up-emo-kid the only thing I'll ever ask of you
you've got to promise not to stop when I say when
squint she sang 020723
blown cherry "Do you want me to stop?"

And I always smile sadly as I shake my head "no".
As much as it hurts to know that there is little love behind your teasing kiss, more amusement than anything,
I don't know how to live without at least the very shadow of love.
The unreal imitation.
So I reach my hand to your neck and help you drive the long metal spike further through my heart.
stork daddy sometimes i feel i need to...uh uh get away from the pain you drive no no...the correct finish is...don't stop believing, hold onto the feeling 020727
phil today 020729
what's it to you?
who go