yummyC on the way to school every morning for the past month, i read this thing spelled out in white coral in the black lava (there is a LOT of this sort of graffitti, but this on catches my eye).


and its underlined and everytime i see it, it makes me think and wonder and gets me places I dont really want to go. and I'd like to hug whoever wrote that instead of writing their name or some pointless "i love david" message. I wrote "yummy" in the lava a while back. it has since been transformed into "nummy" by my evil aunt who knows i hate the word nummy (as if it deserves to be categorized as a word! HA!). soon it will be back to "yummy" cus....well...this is war.

but back to "you are it".
i think: "are we playing tag? was this a message to anyone in particular? am I it? are they trying to say that I am importnat? or that something depends on me? or i could make something of myself? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!"

maybe its just too much thought.
birdmad that's pretty funny

a literalist tagger

i now have a small secret grin in the back of my mind at the thought of someone spraypainting the words "you_are_it" randomly wherever the opportunity presents itself
jessicafletcher i must say that is the most intriguing (hope that's the proper spelling) tidbit of thought-provoking information i've come across in a while. who are you and how did you become so rad? nice to meet you 020426
smurfus rex this is going somewhere in the mall...

just like all_your_base_are_belong_to_us

what's it to you?
who go