Doar Here we go again. 040819
uow yes we have no bananas 040819
mmm bananas
spiffy but who says i ever even had it? 040819
tainted my core is evil and guess what i don't care 040819
lucky umm and when I found it again, it was covered in lint. *arg* I hate lint. 040819
estarocks no, u took it! meanie.... 040819
Doar The control I should have is given freely to her, if she so desires. 040820
pete i never had nothing 040820
kookaburra but who said i needed it anyway? 040820
love & hate my mind that is... but i might be able to find it in these padded walls which surround me, maybe that little demon over there in the straight jacket can help me find it. Hold on while i ask him for directions while my eyes are closed. He can help me, he already has. 040820
mourninglight but you will never understand exactly what it is that I have lost...
well..never say never..

but I had more hope at one point in my life than I do now
TK Or was I delusional to think I had "it" to begin with? 040828
metamantrg I have lost it also 040830
falling_alone sigh. get me out of this house. 040830
Deomis Why bother searching?
Just give up,
it will never come back
Just give up
I'm too tired of trying
and reaching too far
for something
unmeant for me
yes, I have lost it
I have lost it for good
I was unworthy
I'll just give up
I'll just give up
Because I'm a loser
and that's what I do
suicidalchinadoll lost it?
who's lost it...

damn, I threw it away...there was no LOSE about it.

I quit.
freedom_shakes you can't lose what you never had 071024
what's it to you?
who go