claudia boys don't listen.

i want you. i'm crazy about you. you're all i've thought about for half a year (even though it seems like my whole life). i tell you you're perfect and you deny it and i say you're perfect for me and you run. it takes me months to muster up the nerve to say something but i finally have your attention and respect, so it takes minutes for you to skew my words around and minutes for me to screw it up.

so you say "i'm lonely"
and i say "what about me?"
and you say "what about you"
and i say "you're lonely. and i'm here, quite literally asking for you. but all you do is ignore the question. so here it is. what about me?"
and so you say "no"
so i say "why the hell not?"
but you respond "i don't see anything happening between us. i see you qualities as a stong friend more than anything else"

did i mention boys are liars?
birdmad the view is the same from the other side of the fence, only the roles are reversed 010719
yummychuckle 'girls can't dye their hair weird colours!!!!'

said my mom

'boys do that! Justin and Isaac did that, but not you! why do you want to stand out!? Girls don't do that.'

why the hell not?

they do too. I'm a girl.
Aimee Why the hell can't I have a little fucking freedom? Is it just me, or do mothers get more and more neurotic as college approaches? Christ... a little fucking freedom would be nice!!! Why the hell can't I go see my friends!??!!? "because you've got to clean the bathroom" fuck you mom 010720
CheapVodka Go on, take the plunge.
Just think of the consequences later.

It's always better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

Well, that's what my Dad always said..
He raised me right!
what's it to you?
who go