ashestoashes i'll stay clean tonight 030121
mr pete please do. and don't forget to smile. 030122
mr pete I appologize if that last line was patronizing. it is not my intention. 030122
sonic that im not in love with him. its just a case of wanting what you can't have. why is it when i could have him i dont want him but right when he falls in love with another girl i realize that i can't live without him? and the other girl happens to be my best friend. i always hear them telling me how much they love the other one and its making me sick. is it just because i'm longing for a relationship like theirs or am i really in love with him? i cant even stand to see him anymore because i know that he'll talk about her. he doesnt know how much its killing me inside. she askes me if ive ever liked him and i tell her no. i cant let her know how i feel about him. this is a secret that im actually going to keep secret...except for here of course. 030123
Aimee It's all gonna be okay... eventually...

I don't think I believe it anymore....
cupcake some day, none of this will matter.
some day, all of these people will be far, far away, and i will be free.
some day, i'll get to leave.
nomme) time and again time and again and again time 050708
what's it to you?
who go