blueberries i reached, as i saw it falling, but i was not quick enough. down it went, bumped by a villianous cat. it broke into several pieces, the last keepsake of our days in the other country. the glass you drank meridian from. it was sad, sweeping it up, throwing it away. i couldn't do it. so i decided to keep the pieces. in the spring, i'll stick them in black mortar and make a stepping stone for the kitefield garden. sunlight can dance off the surface like it did in your smile. 020109
ilovepatsajak that's beauty 020109
ever dumbening i waited tables in new_orleans, at cuco's, commanders_palace, and mike's on the avenue. i didn't hit my mental, physical, and waiter's stride until mike's. at mike's, on certain nights, i found myself with superhuman abilities. mind: centered. hands: lightning-quick. heart: quiet, understanding. i could deal with anything, mental or emotional, but here i am concerned with my hands.

there was nothing in the restaurant that would touch the ground those nights. recently, my tai chi teacher described a distension of time (arising from being present), where an incoming punch was a lazy sweep of an elephant's ear. i have seen time. i have seen it misbehave. and on those nights, well before knowing it intellectually, my hands would slide



. . .now

. .here.

a knife, a glass, a sprig of cilantro; it didn't matter, for nothing would touch the ground on those nights. i would turn to andrea, or stacy, or glenn and say:

i am fucking ON tonight, baby.
god you are psychic 020111
kelli crane while i was blow-drying my dog in the bathroom 020112
ass facely dogs are hot 020112
kelli crane my dog is hot 020113
fred hydrochloric dogs, goats, grandma 020113
birdmad that was wonderful, blueberries. 020113
carne de metal Its only plastic from now on. 020206
sab and the pieces pointed the way

the wax never lies
and the broken_crockery_promises are all in tears
stepping stones of glass and blood

and jill came tumbling after
jane we no longer had to tiptoe around worrying about it 050705
what's it to you?
who go