dafremen The insanity of populism is upon us. With it comes the sneering of those who brought its wrath down on us, by not tending to their positions of responsibility properly.

While they were looking down their noses on those who their talents had been empowered and entrusted to serve, the populace was waiting for the end of discontent. Some even cheer led the betrayal for awhile, thinking they were getting ahead. Some still do. But they'll just be the last ones to be guided into the chute of the economic slaughterhouse.

I find the fact that folks are surprised at the rise of populism just as alarming. It's like I could wave my hand in front of everyone's face, snap my fingers to wake them up, saying:

Pfizer vaccine? Weapons of mass destruction? Dotcom bubble? The outsourcing of the economy? The growing wealth gap? 401ks instead of pensions? The automated production of unemployment? The rental plantation owner vs. homelessness crisis? Monopolized and corporate-compliant media? Getting us out of Iraq..only to take us into Afghanistan? Skyrocketing National Debt and it's soulmate, inflation? Zero Congressional accountability? Practically non-existence taxation of gains made by the wealthy?

Do any of these ring a bell?

And folks would still go: Why won't these dummies listen to us? Why are they so angry at those who prop up a system that has failed the majority while thumbing a nose at it? Why are they suspicious of intellectuals and authorities, those idiots?

Add to that the arrogant attitude of those who have benefited from this arrangement and of course, the mercenary minds in denial..those who sold their talent to the corp for a buck because that same system talked them into tooling themselves exclusively for corporate use. It's like folks went to college to learn how to make pipe bombs packed with populism.

In fact, the whole situation is packed with some stuff. The biggest stuff. They said it couldn't be done. Covfefe.
Phil https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322793075/figure/fig1/AS:588481436856328@1517316316644/US-combat-casualties-in-Operation-Enduring-Freedom-and-Operation-Iraqi-Freedom-2001-2015.png 241015
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