fyn gula we were stacking bricks and you were telling me about the final days of your baby daughter. how she was born with a broken heart even before she knew what love was.

how her organs were failing and you could ot do any of the valiant things fathers are created to do.

one by one, each brick goes into place. pieces to a life.
day by day,
built solid.

not you. not yet.

and when the pallet was full you said you would ask grace to marry you and together you would try for another child.
farmfish when i was little, i used to sit on the flOor working puzzles. me favourite one was this bug bunny in a boAt thing. problem was, i never could finish it coz there was always one Or 2 fucking pieces missing.

like me life...i'm tryiN' like hell, but i think i need to employ me some bloodhOunds now.

gotta fiNd doze buggeRs.
Casey emotions, all through life we must expirence them all. If we don't the puzzle will never be completed. 011007
silent storm Scattered.
But piece by piece you are helping me put them back together.
It's taking shape now. Can you see it?
It's us.
Mahayana piece by piece
it holds & reflects the light of the sun & the moon. it falls, letting go, easing over, slipping around obstacles. it softens, wearing the rock away. it heals, dissolving what has been. it is alive, sustaining its motions, its energy. it changes and is changed. it renews and is renewed. it's taking shape now.

'and' not only "Can I see", i also realize how it reflects through & through us, as i behold- the u in us.
what's it to you?
who go