Q It was reported in last week's Nature magazine that a functional human gene that is thought to code for a pheromone receptor has finally been discovered.

The supposed function of the protein coded for by this gene has been determined on the basis of the close relationship between the sequence of the gene and sequences of rat and mouse genes that are known to code for pheromone receptors.

Because many mammalian species other than Homo sapiens are known to communicate using pheromone systems, it has long been suspected that humans do also. However, a fundamental problem with this idea has been the inability to identify in humans receptor(s) for compounds that might be pheromones. Now perhaps such a receptor has been identified.

Assuming the protein is one of the elusive human pheromone receptors, neither the pheromone that it receives nor the action(s) triggered when the pheromone binds with it have been identified. Maybe the pheromone will be the ultimate aphrodisiac, but things are rarely so simple.

Tank i think pheromones already are the ultimate aphrodisiac. eff them not being able to find them, they exist alright... nothing else would explain those unexpected twitches... 001012
laney Why are so many of the pheromones made for men? It seems that women would want to seduce and attract men just as much. 011115
Syrope i bought a pheromone wipe at claires, in the mall. it said "this product has not been tested on animals...use responsibly" i found it amusing that someone might consider testing human pheromones on animals...i never did get to try it out, because i decided to include it in a friends bday gift, but i plan to try em one day 020612
tourist I knew someone once that felt that the Violence in the World was caused by excessive amounts of pheromones given off by the growing human population.
But he was having a psychotic break at the time (to which the same answer was applied).
cn2 using one's husband's pits as natural poppers 031220
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