amy oh, oh shit.
you were watching me too?
i thought i could just watch you!

or lobster.

good show? what show?
oh, shit.
i'm just uncovering it.
camille i dropped my donut 000212
Shatzzy One Fish, Two Fish, Three Fish....
OH SHIT!!!!! No More :)
old hick You don't quite mean to say it. It's not addressed to anyone. It has no meaning. "Oh shit" is just a reflexive response to some stimulus that floors you on all levels. You see the SUV hydroplane in front of you. Your body tenses and your mind goes limp. "Oh shit." 000216
camille I'm standing in the rain with a poem i've just written batting my eyes from the drops that fall on my lids...

I look down to see that the poem has covered the paper in it's own beautiful art...an ink blot....ink and rain dance on the page....oh shit
skiblu I think that all the time.
Even say it.
Especially when I'm keeping something hidden that I really want to say, and when I say it it becomes obvious that I was hiding it
And when I was hiding it and it was uncovered wihout my consent.
Oh shit.
sleeve I am about to hit a tree. 040115
misstree if it's in the face, on my left please. the right has tooth problems. 040115
ego hum I lost my agenda 211105
Raina this place is still up?

fucking A

uhm... I kinda typed around people here
not intentionally. Was just trying to get
somethings off my chest and get a feel for writing again because I had fallen so hard.

estalked a crush and followed him here.
Met him years later and got reminded why some crushes should just remain that lol

Maybe I'll dump some more words here for a little while until I forget again....
ego hum take a dump
Dump away!
ergo hum or?
what's it to you?
who go