uncovering the unconverings traipsing about my very own psychological probings ...oOo....oOo...oOo.... [the moniter moniters on] ...oOo....oOo...oOo.... [fluctuations in patterns] ...oOo....oOo...oOo.... [of a mind that can not let go] ...oOo....oOo...oOo.... [of the hurt] ...oOo....oOo...oOo.... [the pain] ...oOo....oOo...oOo.... [of the hurt in pains loss] psychological probings that dont allow my hearts feet 2 touch your ground traipsing about my very own :: my very own :: [our very own owning] uncovering the unconverings uncovering the unconverings of a new kind of exposure uncovering the unconverings new kinds of negatives & positives uncovering the unconverings ::flash your lights b4 my eyes:: & witness what shall develope. shall be. what just wont touch your ground together [we are] uncovering the coverings of a hearts feet-ful mantra [can you hear] [im coming] [im coming][my love] [im coming]