Norm I've saved my share of lives in my life.

I guess the first person I ever saved was my little brother, I was about 5 and he would have been 3 and he was in his room in the top floor of the house and he was knocking on a screen in a window. It scared me pretty bad but I yelled for my mom and she got him just as the screen fell out. Another time with my brother I would have been about 10 and he would have been 8 or so. We were at the ocean, it was a rocky place with lost of big waves and a place were the water had dug away the face of the cliff to make a cave. My brother went in the water and into the cave and he didn't come out for a while so I went to get him and he was stuck up on a rock and he wouldn't get into the water and the tide was coming up.

I've saved many many people from the death by alcohol poisoning. My drinking buddies, I've save all of them at least 3 times each. I've saved 2 or 3 girls at parties from quite a disaster, but for some reason the fact that it even happened to them in first place is always blamed on me.

I was walking down the street down town and this lady was being mugged once. The dude who was mugging just started flipping out on the poor woman. It's shit like that that really gets me going. He saw me and made a run for it I chased him down and jumped him and beat his ass I_almost_killed the fucker. He begged for his life and I stopped.
niki norm...you are so manly
wanna get married?
what's it to you?
who go